Archive | October 2012

National Goat Expo 2012

We were so lucky to be allowed a field trip at work.  We all went down to the National Goat Expo last week.  It was held in Des Moines at the state fairgrounds.  It was a lot of fun, and I would have had pictures, but I did not bring my camera (long story). Therefore, the pictures I have are borrowed and not really from the expo.

There seemed to be a lot of Dwarf and Pygmy goats.  I think Prince William would have fit in really well.

Some of the highlights I thought were the more unusual breeds.  The Silkies were really neat looking.

Although, I think they would be a lot of work to maintain that coat.  We got  to watch a class of Silky bucks being judged.

P.S. The above picture is from the NGE.  I found another blogger who attended the expo.  To view the rest of their pictures click here!!

We also saw some mini Angora goats, they are called Pygoras.  They seemed very calm, but could have been that they had been handled a lot.  I would LOVE to have some Angora (or Pygora) goats.  The woman who had the Pygoras, also had a shearing and spinning demo.  It was really neat and very inspiring.

It was really fun learning about different breeds of goats (and getting out of work for an afternoon).  I think this little guy was everyone’s favorite: